Year 7 Cultural Projects
Year 7 students have been working hard on their cultural projects over the last few weeks, and this week has seen the culmination of their efforts as they have been handing in their work. MFL staff have been absolutely blown away with the quality of the projects this year and the level of creativity is astounding! We have seen a fully kitted-out Bavarian dolls’ house; Paris in a box; giant information posters; scrap books stuffed with information and pictures; and even a variety of home-made produce demonstrating the culinary culture of different French and German – speaking regions around the world. Jackson in 7S has made ‘poulet à la moambé’ – a dish from his chosen country, the Democratic Republic of Congo. Dexter in 7E made Canadian-inspired maple oat bites to share with the class. These were just 2 of the many students who have been cooking part of their projects! Check out our Instagram page wellington_mfl for more!
Well done, Year 7!
Mrs Ramsumair