Exam Information

A-level results day: Thursday 15th August 2024 (from 08.00am)

GCSE results day: Thursday 22nd August 2024 (from 09.00am)

Results will be given out in the Dining Hall

JCQ Information for Candidates 2023-2024

JCQ General Regulations 2023-2024

Privacy Notice

Non Exam Assessments

Letter to Candidates – Appeals Procedure

Non Exam Assessments Timeline

Non Exam Assessments – Information for Candidates

Results and Certificates

A-level results day: Thursday 15th August 2024 (08.00am), GCSE results day: Thursday 22nd August 2024 (09.00am). Further information will be sent home to students before the end of the Summer term

Results Handbook_2024

Results Day A level Collection letter 2024_final (1)

Results Day GCSE Collection letter_2024_final

Post Results Service

Review of Results


ROR_JCQ candidate consent form


Access to Scripts_JCQ Consent Form 


Certificates for June 2024 will arrive in school in the Autumn term (usually November 2024). Communication will go home regarding the collection of certificates after October half-term.

If your son/daughter is expecting exam results this Summer, please contact the school office to confirm your contact details can be kept on record until certificates have been collected.

Lost Certificates and Results

If you have lost your certificate, we are unable to provide you with another.

Certificates are only required to be kept by the School for a minimum of 12 months.  After this time, the school is able to destroy any uncollected certificates.  We will aim, where possible, to keep them for 24 months.  Please contact the Exams Officer to check if we still hold your certificates, if we do not, information on obtaining replacement certificates can be found here.

If you have lost your Results, please contact the school on admin@wellington.trafford.sch.uk providing the year you left along with your name, contact number and what your request is.  We will aim to get back to you within 7 working days.

Candidate Examination Handbook 2023

Candidate Examination Handbook 2023-24

Internal Appeals Procedure

Internal Appeals Procedure (Internal Assessment Decisions)_2023-24