Year 10 – Practical Food Assessment

Well done to Year 10 who have taken part in a practice assessment for next year’s GCSE.

As part of the Food Preparation and Nutrition GCSE, pupils are required to produce a report which also includes a write up of some chosen practical dishes. Pupils firstly make up to 4 trial dishes (we did 2 as a part of a mini project) and they then use these to plan and make 3 final dishes in a £ hour session. As we are doing a shortened report we did 2 dishes in 2 hours.

The idea behind the assessment was to give pupils the opportunity to work on following their time plans (which they need to produce themselves), as well as work on their practical skills and think about how they will plate and present their dishes.

All pupils worked well and it was pleasing to see some of them attempting the higher-level skills such as portioning a chicken (great job Will), making shortcrust pastry (excellent work Wes) and making pasta from scratch (fantastic effort Neville).

A massive well done to all pupils involved and a big thank you to parents for their support.

Mrs Ryan