Year 10 Netball
This week the 10B team, made up of the original team and some new players who have stood out in GCSE PE lessons, played a netball friendly at home against local rivals Loreto. The whole team worked extremely hard throughout, without any subs and managed to take a strong lead to finish the game with an 11-5 win! Esme W, playing GD turned over numerous balls, intercepting in all areas of the court and Evie S was our saviour in the shooting circle, scoring goals from a great range. Well done Girls!
Our 10A played Sale G on Thursday in the last of their Trafford league fixtures for the year. Playing four x10 minute quarters, the girls demonstrated excellent fitness, team work and skill. This team have become one of Wellingtons strongest and played with great speed and strength. Deservingly the girls came away with the win, beating Sale G 33-23!
Miss Kelly