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Science Lectures

On Thursday this week the Science department took 30 Year 10 triple Scientists to the Opera House for a series of Science lectures.  Dr. Anna Ploszajski regaled us with her story of her epic swim across the English Channel and how Material science played an important part in her achievement; Dr Kate Lancaster inspired us with her work on plasma and the nuclear fusion; Dr Hannah Critchlow allowed us to the see someone’s brain waves and Dr Tim Gabriel entertained the audience with his stories about how he came to work with nanotechnology. 

Without doubt the highlight of the day for staff and students was a lecture by Professor Lord Robert Winston.  Probably most famous for his “Child of our times” series, he talked us through his past research with understated flair, enthusiasm and humour.  Undoubtedly, he is someone who has made a massive contribution to Science and has inspired many people to become scientists, including many of the Science teachers at Wellington. Having spoken to some of our students who attended the event it seems that he has truly inspired them too and hopefully they will become our future Scientists who will go on to make amazing contributions to society!

Ms Lee