Science Club 

Our Science Clubbers have been busy recently getting their hands mucky! We have been pond dipping in our very own pond at the back of the school. This area of the school includes grassland and trees as well as our pond and is looked after by our team of technicians. It is quite a young pond but for the first time this year we have found tadpoles and little frogs. Our young scientists have been super excited by this and have also been exploring the biodiversity within the grassland and trees. This ties in well with the ecology unit the students have been learning about in Year 7.  

In addition to this, they have got stuck into eyeball dissections. We managed to get our hands on some eyeballs from the local butchers. The kids used scalpels to cut into the different parts and have discussed what each part of the eye is used for. Not for the squeamish!  

Mr Ashfield, Ms Ayub, Dr Lane, Miss Flett and Dr Glass