Music Department Christmas Celebrations
Thank you to all our students who have given up a big chunk of their free time over the last few weeks in order to prepare for our Christmas celebrations and as usual the students did not disappoint. It was lovely to see a combination of established ensemble groups such as Sing, the Rock Bands and the Orchestra with our new emerging ensembles such as the Brass ensemble which I know you will agree sounded fantastic. I must also single out the Year 10 GCSE group who not only performed during the service but who also wrote the song that they performed.
Thank you to all of the Wellington community who came to support us during the evening and at all our events this term. If anyone did take any pictures or videos then please share these with us.
Our next big event will be our Easter Concert which will take place on Thursday 21st March 2024 so make sure you save the date!
Nadolig Llawen a Blwyddyn Newydd Dda,
Mrs Moorhouse