Holocaust Survivor Talks

On Wednesday, three Holocaust survivors came into School to speak to Year 12 pupils about their experiences of the Holocaust: Anne Super, Marianne Phillips and Gisela Feldman. We’re very lucky to work closely with the Jewish Fed and, as a result of this, 12 Year 12 pupils have been selected to become Guardians of the stories of these 3 remarkable women. This means that our pupils will learn with and from these survivors, with the intention being to continue sharing these stories in the future. Our Guardians will now prepare and deliver a series of presentations about the lives of Anne, Marianne and Gisela. When we asked Anne Super how she would like us to retell her story she said “It is your job. Tell everyone, I don’t care who, this happened to me, and others so don’t forget it! You are the ones who need to know. My time on earth is nearly finished and the next generation has to follow the stories and tell them.”

We are blessed and lucky to share these stories and opportunities, thank you to the Fed for organising.

Mr Gerschler