Exam Results and Appeals 2021
JCQ Student Request Form for Centre Reviews and Appeals to Awarding Organisations
Exam Appeals Form Summer 2021 (download in Word)
Exam Appeals Form Summer 2021 (pdf)
JCQ Student Guidance
The guide provides an overview of what students should do if they think there has been an error in their grading. It highlights some important dates they need to be aware of now. It also includes more detailed information about the appeals process including how to request an appeal, some case studies, some FAQs, a glossary and a full list of the qualifications that the guide supports.
The handout is also designed to support students in deciding what to do now when they receive their GCSE, AS and/or A Level results. It outlines what they can do if they don’t have the grades they need and includes a flow diagram to help them decide their next steps.
Letters to Parents
Letter to Year 13 A Level Results and Appeals
Letter to Year 11 GCSE Results and Appeals
Letter to Year 10 GCSE Results and Appeals