Arts Award Winners!

This week we have been celebrating our KS3 Arts Award winners. ๐ŸŽ‰
Congratulations to Martha, Milly, Isla, Louise and Alice in Year 8!
Well done to Lucy J, Lucy S, Elizabeth, Harry, Maiko, Leah, Imogen, Eva, Alice and Annie in Year 9!
These students spent one night a week last year, after school, learning about scriptwriting and creating their own original concept for a TV show before scripting the opening of the first episode. As a consequence of their hard work and commitment, portfolios were submitted to Arts Council England and now these fantastic writers have certificates for Arts Award: Explore to prove their creativity and invention.
I’m really proud to have worked with these students – they were so engaged, creative, articulate and mature! I’m certain that amongst them there is a hit TV show to emerge.
To our new Year 7 students: get involved! Scriptwriting Club 2023 starts Wednesday the 6th of December in room 79 (the centre portakabin). 
Ms C Spencer-Cruise