A Fond Farewell to our lovely Lang/Lit students!

Today marks the first of the Language & Literature exams for our Year 13 A Level students. 
Here they all (mostly) are: still smiling after two years of variously working hard; handing in hundreds of essays; humming and singing; hemming and hawing over their NEAs; converting us into Swifties; coming to extra sessions; coming out with ludicrous long words; finding linguistic patterns; finding Othello in Stockport (of all places) and generally making us very, very proud.
We’ll catch them all (maybe even Ruby??) before their Paper 2 exam, but wanted to say here: ‘Good luck!’
Ms C Spencer-Cruise & Miss McCann
PS Thank you to our Y12 Language & Literature student, Alexa, for acting as our photographer! ๐Ÿ™‚